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Adjustable Display Stand

The Adjustable Display Stand is a stylish and functional piece that enables hands-free, convenient viewing of your computer tablet or phone, during a virtual meeting or video call, or when viewing a recipe while preparing dinner. The varying, eye-catching combination of cherry, maple, padauk, purpleheart and walnut hardwoods highlights its beauty and appearance in any setting.


The design features a curved support arm made from wood strips that match the surface of the stand. An upper and lower pair of spherical wooden knobs, each of which is connected by a hanger bolt and threaded fasteners, can be turned to allow the stand to be set to your preferred viewing height and angle.


Large and small stands measuring 11" (H) x 9"(W) and 9"(H) x 6" (W), respectively, are available. Elevate your working and reading comfort with these  stands.

Adjustable Display Stands - A large and a small, side by side.
Adjustable Display Stand with a computer tablet on it. Large stand.
Adjustable Display Stands - A large and a small, side by side, front-facing shot.
Adjustable Display Stand with a computer tablet on it. Large stand.
Adjustable Display Stand with a computer tablet on it. Large stand.
Adjustable Display Stand with a recipe card on it.

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